Okay, out of curiosity I scanned the strips back to when basketball started to see how the teams are doing. Both teams may be leading their leagues. Or not, who really knows? Of the games that have been mentioned, the girls are 3-2 but 2-0 in the league. The boys are 5-0. Were there any losses not mentioned or are we looking at another State Title run? How about if the boys are undefeated going into the Playdowns and then have to forfeit most of their wins due to the uncovering of performance enhancing placebos? That would be awesome.
Okay, out of curiosity I scanned the strips back to when basketball started to see how the teams are doing. Both teams may be leading their leagues. Or not, who really knows? Of the games that have been mentioned, the girls are 3-2 but 2-0 in the league. The boys are 5-0. Were there any losses not mentioned or are we looking at another State Title run? How about if the boys are undefeated going into the Playdowns and then have to forfeit most of their wins due to the uncovering of performance enhancing placebos? That would be awesome.