G’day Jason, Dry, Joe, Lonewolf, Ottod, Barb, Bjorn and all Meggsie’s mates everywhere.
Can’t argue with the graffiti, spot on. As far as opportunity knocking goes, any knocking I hear means taking the first opportunity to get the car fixed.
Glad Ginger’s school dictionary is better than mine was. I had to look up the word ‘rural’ and the definition ws simply ‘rustic’. So I looked up ‘rustic’ and it said ‘rural’. Yes, it was the standard dictionary for the year. Still have it, might be worth money one day; certainly wasn’t worth the legendary brass razoo in third form.
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I guess it wasn’t a pleasant day now was it, Dad?
Howdy & G’Day, Joe, Jason, Usfellers and ALL the Meggsie fans!
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
I can’t think of anything to say about the graffiti today. Where are you at, Joe?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Afterwards, you realize you should have opened the door and let opportunity in rather than let it go away.
Ginger is expanding his vocabulary!
G’day *Joe, Jason, usfellers, ottod *and all Meggsie fans far and wide!
ottod Premium Member over 14 years ago
Fifteen yards! Illegal use of Thesaurus!
Opportunity looks bigger going away because hindsight is always 20/20!
steelersneo over 14 years ago
all of the above
usfellers over 14 years ago
G’day Jason, Dry, Joe, Lonewolf, Ottod, Barb, Bjorn and all Meggsie’s mates everywhere.
Can’t argue with the graffiti, spot on. As far as opportunity knocking goes, any knocking I hear means taking the first opportunity to get the car fixed.
Glad Ginger’s school dictionary is better than mine was. I had to look up the word ‘rural’ and the definition ws simply ‘rustic’. So I looked up ‘rustic’ and it said ‘rural’. Yes, it was the standard dictionary for the year. Still have it, might be worth money one day; certainly wasn’t worth the legendary brass razoo in third form.