Reminds me of one of Gary Larsson’s comments in his book “A Prehistory of the Far Side”. He included a cartoon in which a mosquito in man’s clothing was saying to a mosquito in woman’s clothing that he felt like he had spread malaria over half the country by himself. Larsson said that he’d had letters from people telling him that only female mosquitoes bite people. He added, “That they wear clothing and live in houses is perfectly okay.”
rekam Premium Member 10 months ago
Fitzzy’s got a point there.
mischugenah 10 months ago
I’m pretty sure bears will eat about anything they can get their paws on.
rockyridge1977 10 months ago
……it was just right!!!!!!!…………..there will not be much left to inherit!!!!!!
Calvinist1966 10 months ago
Reminds me of one of Gary Larsson’s comments in his book “A Prehistory of the Far Side”. He included a cartoon in which a mosquito in man’s clothing was saying to a mosquito in woman’s clothing that he felt like he had spread malaria over half the country by himself. Larsson said that he’d had letters from people telling him that only female mosquitoes bite people. He added, “That they wear clothing and live in houses is perfectly okay.”
jeffchrz Premium Member 10 months ago
Are they “drop bears?”