Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for July 30, 2012

  1. Viking
    steelersneo  over 12 years ago

    Average NFL game costs $75 per ticket minimum. For a family of 5 like mine that means $375 just for tickets. By the time you throw in gas to drive there, the price of parking, any food or souvineers that may be purchased we are talking well in excess of $500 just to attend a single sporting event. For around $300 you can get NFL Sunday ticket from Direct TV and see all of the games. But, for $70 I can get the entire NFL season complete with coaches cam for every single play, for every single team. Complete with playoffs and the Super Bowl streaming on the internet via NFL.com. Just doesn’t make sense to attend a life event anymore. Sports ownership has priced it out of the average man’s market.

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