Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for August 02, 2019

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Shorten it some. Just use “theass”.

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    Skeptical Meg  over 5 years ago


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    arianseren  over 5 years ago


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  4. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Doesn’t seem to make a difference when the companies storing your data are getting hacked left and right. The Russians could take lessons from them. Of course, a lot of the hackers probably are Russian.

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    david_42  over 5 years ago

    Never had any of my systems hacked, but many of the companies with my accounts have been. So, they make it harder for customers to use their own accounts, while the hackers hit the back-end database again, Rinse, repeat.

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    oakie817  over 5 years ago

    we have to use 14 characters now on my job, so mine is mickeydonaldgoofyplutohappydopey…….

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