wham!! Ka chow! Ka choww!! Za zapp!! Captain: You're not controlling this thing at all, are you? scrappy lad: no, but it goes haywire in style, doesn't it?
I was wondering where he got the money, or what favor he’d done, to get possession of the suit. Now it turns out to be a beta-testing model that was tossed out because it was unreliable.
allen@home over 1 year ago
Get with, Tony Stark maybe he can help you.
LawrenceS over 1 year ago
I was wondering where he got the money, or what favor he’d done, to get possession of the suit. Now it turns out to be a beta-testing model that was tossed out because it was unreliable.
But unreliable in style.
oakie817 over 1 year ago
syzygy47 over 1 year ago
Reminds me of the character Gizmoduck. With less control.