Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for November 27, 2024
from the tip top secretive dossiers of S.P.E.A.R. subject: ms. amazement first appearance 6-22-09 aliases: Bridget brenidan. affiliations: daunvians (ancient celtic tribe) ex sidekick in irish fighting duo "lady luck and shamrock lass." known enemies: Scath, empress of death (arch_, mr. negato (sometime stalker) origin: Carved as a stone totem of an ancient celtic warmaiden, she was given life by the loosed soul of their fiercest warrior (ref:8-30-09) powers: Strength, durability, flight. wields "mace of persuasion." Weaknesses: sometimes doesn't act so much like a lady. drink of choice: Whiskey, but sometimes she'll shotgun a whole beer truck.
Teto85 Premium Member 6 days ago
A true Celtic fighting lass would imbibe in Whisky, not that watered down equine urine called “whiskey.”
ClaytonEmery1 5 days ago
Don’t think I’ve ever seen her use a Mace of Persuasion.
HarryLime 5 days ago
I appreciate her “buns of steel.”
ChessPirate 5 days ago
Sooo, she said “No” to Negato… ☺