Jasmine, where did you guys get this guinea pig?
My dada rescued Fredrick from my school!
what do you mean "rescued"?
Rescued from scary scientific experiments!
You sure about that?
Why else would Dad call him "Fred Kenstein"?
“Dr. Franklin” appears in a sizeable number of private letters of the time, both in English and in French. I haven’t time to search at this late hour, and you probably wouldn’t believe me if I cited references. Sorta like anthrogenic climate change.
krys723 over 10 years ago
I thought they did that with frogs…
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
You are correct.
hippogriff over 10 years ago
DavidHuieGreen: Neither was Benjamin Franklin; his “degree” was confirmed by society.
Gokie5 over 10 years ago
“Frankenstein” sounds much more sewn-together monstery than does “Adam,” IMHO.
hippogriff over 10 years ago
“Dr. Franklin” appears in a sizeable number of private letters of the time, both in English and in French. I haven’t time to search at this late hour, and you probably wouldn’t believe me if I cited references. Sorta like anthrogenic climate change.
Walter the dog 4 months ago
Sorry I started reading late who is jasmine and her brother please reply :)