JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for April 16, 2016

  1. Missing large 2
    Phatts  over 8 years ago

    I like that line of thinking!besides, unless he learns money management, he’ll likely spend it all and end up worse off than he is now.

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  2. Naturalhairmecartoon
    Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 8 years ago

    He should sell them. I bet his dad gave them to him so that he could be financially comfortable.

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  3. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  over 8 years ago

    He was given the dog and truck.

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  4. Doodles
    monkeyhead  over 8 years ago

    I just have to wonder about that warehouse of stuff he threw away, how much of it was valuable.

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