Had a back “procedure” a few months ago and when I asked about post op recovery he said “you’re going to feel better than you have for years, but you still have to use your head about what activities you do” when I asked what he meant he said “you’re seventy, not seventeen, Don’t do anything stupid.”
andyboda over 6 years ago
Had a back “procedure” a few months ago and when I asked about post op recovery he said “you’re going to feel better than you have for years, but you still have to use your head about what activities you do” when I asked what he meant he said “you’re seventy, not seventeen, Don’t do anything stupid.”
treutvid over 6 years ago
My father gave me exactly the same advice. And I passed it on to my kids. So far, so good.
cubswin2016 over 6 years ago
When you have something that works, stay with it.
Spiny Norman Premium Member over 6 years ago
I tell my kids that all the time
DM2860 over 6 years ago
Did he go get his wallet? The position of the men swapped.
pony21 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Advice I’ve given my kids: “Don’t make any mistakes you can’t outlive.”
Dragoncat over 6 years ago
To be fair, the advice Dana got from her mother in the past involved cheating in business school. So, this is new to her.
yangeldf over 6 years ago
that second panel clearly indicates just how many people she’s known with “Affluenza” who really could have used that advice.
Mijo94 over 6 years ago
“Don’t be stupid” Sounds like good advice to me. Do people listen to it? Most of the time, no but hey you live and you learn.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Being stupid is a terminal mental disease. If you have you are in so much trouble. Ignorance can be remedied, stupidity is much harder to crack.