Anchor Baby News Only news in HD- Humid Dipey Gibby Isabel Isabel: That's right, Gibby. The nice grownups at Fox News are medical experts. They say, "Why fund Planned Parenthood when you can get your fluids checked at any participating Jiffy Lube?"
lewisbower over 13 years ago
With free sterilization on the second unpaid visit.
Trebor39 over 13 years ago
And get your tires rotated while your there too.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
If they can’t muzzle the Religious Right, the GOP will not only get Obama re-elected, they will probably doom their party to a deserved oblivion.
steelersneo over 13 years ago
Last I looked Planned Parenthood was not in the OB/GYN business. They have nothing to do with female health. They are abortion proponents and facilitators. That is all they are. As such, they should not be government funded. No more than the local church should be. Let them fund themselves.