La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for February 25, 2014
Rush: That's right, my amigos. My friends "los Koch bros" want you Hispanics to refuse Obamacare! We know you people are the least likely to have health insurance, but los Koch bros don't care! If you're sick just light some candles, drink some 7UP and do a little voodoo dance.
The idiocy of the Koch Brothers is that they, given all their desires politically, would destroy first the country and then by extension their own personal wealth.
FDR saved capitalism… the Koch’s are out to destroy it.
They are as wise about their long term prospects as any cancer cell that thinks it’s uncontrolled growth is ultimately a good idea.
Well I am certainly opinionated today…
Out to save the Koch brothers; sometimes I really surprise myself.