La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for January 30, 2015
Cuco: GOP senate speaker Mitch McConnell wants to take credit for the Obama economic recovery. Eddie: He's kind of a "Mitchy-come-lately." Cuco: Also, he says people wouldn't like Obamacare now if Republicans hadn't been making everyone sick for six years.
echoraven almost 10 years ago
Doesn’t your koolaid have “directions for use”? Your making no sense.
agrestic almost 10 years ago
Interesting…like Pynchon or Philip K. Dick without the literary chops.
cepa almost 10 years ago
Sounds like ntgg would fit in very nicely to the fanatic Muslim group except that for them religion controls everything.
agrestic almost 10 years ago
But of course it’s true that Mitch only started claiming the economy was on the upswing once the GOP took power over the Senate. He basically was claiming that the economy had miraculously turned around within a period of a couple weeks. Completely ignoring the long (too-slow) recovery it’s been making over the course of years.
tallguy98366 almost 10 years ago
Republicans: impossible to work with, allergic to truth, fun to watch.
Goblinopolis almost 10 years ago
Remember when we used to read the comics to get a laugh?