The Beandocks Cuco: How are you going to dedeat ISIS Donald Ttrump? Generalssimo_Trump: It's a secret. But believe me, I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Which is why I will ask THEM to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS. It's a test.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
The blow hard know-it-all who knows next to nothing. But he has a blustery attitude.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
In many ways I feel sad for Trumpeteers. They have loused up their lives so bad that they have to look to snake oil salesman for salvation.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 8 years ago
Never trust anyone who feels compelled to say “trust me”.
braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hmmm, no Trump supporters posting here to defend their candidate and “explain” what he means when he says he knows more about ISIS than the generals.
And that the generals will have to come up with the plan to defeat ISIS, but that it will be different generals, because when he is president he’ll replace the current ones.
There’s an amendment somewhere that says he can do that.And you know he’s incredible, just incredible at picking generals.
He’s gonna make Syria great again.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Trump is such a wise idiot
kaffekup over 8 years ago
His favorite is “Believe me”, and the rubes eat it up with a spoon. And send him money which goes in his own pocket.