I wonder if people who compare Trump to Hitler know that Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy have also been compared to Hitler. I then wonder if they understand how silly making that comparison is.
To tossed: It makes a lot of sense to make the comparison when the person being compared is doing things that are pretty much textbook Hitler. Serious scholars of political science and of history are making this comparison. Maybe you should listen and be alarmed, rather than try to lull people into a false sense of security.
To mdavis: Undocumented immigrants are, in fact, immigrants.
And fun fact: undocumented immigrants commit significantly fewer crimes than people born here, including significantly fewer serious and violent crimes. So why single them out, except to throw red meat to the racists and xenophobes? And hence, Lalo’s point still stands.
Harumph almost 8 years ago
Not immigrants. Illegals!
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 8 years ago
I guess it isn’t only Melania that is a copy cat. Conservatives will be buying up gas stocks, I guess.
TossedSaladCartoon almost 8 years ago
I wonder if people who compare Trump to Hitler know that Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy have also been compared to Hitler. I then wonder if they understand how silly making that comparison is.
Space_cat almost 8 years ago
The next book will be titled “The crimes of the Trump Administration”
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Every dictatorship is always for Law and Order. Their law, their order.
agrestic almost 8 years ago
To tossed: It makes a lot of sense to make the comparison when the person being compared is doing things that are pretty much textbook Hitler. Serious scholars of political science and of history are making this comparison. Maybe you should listen and be alarmed, rather than try to lull people into a false sense of security.
agrestic almost 8 years ago
To mdavis: Undocumented immigrants are, in fact, immigrants.
And fun fact: undocumented immigrants commit significantly fewer crimes than people born here, including significantly fewer serious and violent crimes. So why single them out, except to throw red meat to the racists and xenophobes? And hence, Lalo’s point still stands.