His IQ has shrunk as his dementia as bloomed. His Aryan yellow forelock on his head shows he is solid with the White Supremacist Set. Seig Heil Trump! They shouted when he made the day, an impossible win yet made all the way. And now we live with the never ending horror of Republicans aiming for a new kind of genocide. By neglect. Maybe they beat the kulacks deaths from enforced starvation in 1934. Do they cut notches in their belts for each 10,000 dead?
His IQ has shrunk as his dementia as bloomed. His Aryan yellow forelock on his head shows he is solid with the White Supremacist Set. Seig Heil Trump! They shouted when he made the day, an impossible win yet made all the way. And now we live with the never ending horror of Republicans aiming for a new kind of genocide. By neglect. Maybe they beat the kulacks deaths from enforced starvation in 1934. Do they cut notches in their belts for each 10,000 dead?