Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho for February 18, 2018

  1. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  almost 7 years ago

    Love the Doc Savage suntan lotion …. need your back done dear?

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  2. Santaed2
    FassEddie  almost 7 years ago

    Number 17 in the list of things us smart guys would never say to Brandy.

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  3. Airbender
    Airbender  almost 7 years ago

    Truman is flirting with ending up as duck soup or tonight’s entrée.

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    oldsmkysyvr  almost 7 years ago

    I volunteer to give her a shave.

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  5. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    One should only say positive things to a lady about her appearance and only in terms of your own opinion, ie., “I like your legs, Brandy.” Not “Your legs look nice, Brandy.” Don’t judge, just express a positive opinion.

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  6. Triscele
    txmystic  almost 7 years ago

    @Nab Classic internet reply: “YOU’RE out of proportion!!”

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  7. Sneaky garfield  solar eclipse  002
    Sneaker  almost 7 years ago

    Nice proportions though!!

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    Daniel Jacobson  almost 7 years ago

    She shaved them, a few days, to a week, ago, that is why she now feels like a cactus plant.

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    scpandich  almost 7 years ago

    Okay, it took me a few minutes to notice, but, how does a dachshund throw a ball in the first place?

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    gantech  almost 7 years ago

    Truman, better run up and down a few more times…just to be sure.

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