Are you really thinking about breakfast, Karl? The truth is, I am a huge fan of chocolate chip cookies. Any time of day.
They are actually converging on something they can Agree about.
Karl better watch out.
Mai will feel obligated to compensate for this moment of Weakness by doing something to Annoy Karl.
And, if you google it, the Recipe for “Death by Chocolate Chip Cookies” will pop right up.
February 12, 2016
KhalidBirdsong creator about 6 years ago
Are you really thinking about breakfast, Karl? The truth is, I am a huge fan of chocolate chip cookies. Any time of day.
bakana about 6 years ago
They are actually converging on something they can Agree about.
Karl better watch out.
Mai will feel obligated to compensate for this moment of Weakness by doing something to Annoy Karl.
bakana about 6 years ago
And, if you google it, the Recipe for “Death by Chocolate Chip Cookies” will pop right up.