women goes to doctor and says she isn’t feeling well, she has a lot of gas but at least it doesn’t stink. he does tests, prescribes medicine and sets follow-up appointment. At follow up she complains meds made her farts smell terrible, he says now that we got your sinus infection cleared up we can work on the gas
ArcticFox Premium Member over 1 year ago
Either way, it’s gonna stink!!!
saylorgirl over 1 year ago
Waste of time and money.
ladykat over 1 year ago
Both should be done on a regular basis.
dbrucepm over 1 year ago
women goes to doctor and says she isn’t feeling well, she has a lot of gas but at least it doesn’t stink. he does tests, prescribes medicine and sets follow-up appointment. At follow up she complains meds made her farts smell terrible, he says now that we got your sinus infection cleared up we can work on the gas