Replying to a comment from yesterday…Easily Amused By This said, 1 day ago"@gendotteI did that a month ago and discovered a couple of BRAND NEW pairs of shoes, and several new and unworn pairs of jeans I forgot I owned. It’s so nice walking into a closet where I can access everything again. I highly recommend cleaning a closet to everyone. Happy New Year!"
I spent one New Year’s Eve cleaning out a closet. I found a lot of stuff I had forgotten was in there. And it was so nice starting the new year with a clean, neat closet. I had intended to “celebrate” every new year from then on in the same manner – if not cleaning out a closet, then cleaning out dresser drawers or something. But then I started working so many New Year’s eve nights and I think there was only one other year that I cleaned out that same closet on New Year’s eve. I really ought to start requesting to have that night off. Those 2 years when I cleaned that closet were the best New Year’s Eve nights I ever had. Gosh – does that mean I’m a pathetic stick-in-the-mud because I wasn’t out partying and because I didn’t even notice the new year had begun until around 1:00 in the morning?
Replying to a comment from yesterday…Easily Amused By This said, 1 day ago"@gendotteI did that a month ago and discovered a couple of BRAND NEW pairs of shoes, and several new and unworn pairs of jeans I forgot I owned. It’s so nice walking into a closet where I can access everything again. I highly recommend cleaning a closet to everyone. Happy New Year!"
I spent one New Year’s Eve cleaning out a closet. I found a lot of stuff I had forgotten was in there. And it was so nice starting the new year with a clean, neat closet. I had intended to “celebrate” every new year from then on in the same manner – if not cleaning out a closet, then cleaning out dresser drawers or something. But then I started working so many New Year’s eve nights and I think there was only one other year that I cleaned out that same closet on New Year’s eve. I really ought to start requesting to have that night off. Those 2 years when I cleaned that closet were the best New Year’s Eve nights I ever had. Gosh – does that mean I’m a pathetic stick-in-the-mud because I wasn’t out partying and because I didn’t even notice the new year had begun until around 1:00 in the morning?