Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 13, 1992
Question: what 3 things grow bigger and bigger every year and are completely immune to any attempt to make them smaller? Answers: 1. The Federal deficit. 2. Waistlines. 3. Christmas card lists Dad: Here's the mail. We got a bunch of Christmas cards. Mom: Christmas cards?! Already? Dad: Yeah. From the Boughers...the Witters...the Oswalds...Mom: I hate these people who are so totally organized! They've probably finished all their Christmas shopping and wrapping too! Mom: you know what else irritates me? I crossed some of these people off my list last year because I hadn't heard from them in so long. Mom: So now I'm annoyed that these people get their cards done so early and I feel guilty that I crossed them off my list and I feel angry that I have to add them back plus buy more cards and more stamps and I probably won't have time to do my cards until Valentine's day anyway!! Dad: Y'know, I'm starting to feel that warm holiday spirit in the air. Mom: Why don't you go untangle some Christmas lights or something?