Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 15, 2002
"This says that today's teens have a smaller vocabulary than that of smaller generations." "I don't agree. We use a different vocabulary, yes. But the quantity is equal, if not greater." "No it isn't. Our generation excels in the redundant use of monosyllabic grunts and lazy catch-phrases." "What do you think, Luann?" "Um.. I dunno. I guess I'm like, y'know, whatever." "WOW! Nicely put! That sure proves ME wrong!"
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Interesting thing about Bernice, most girls are less adorable when they’re sarcastic, but, she gets cuter.
Clotty Peristalt about 5 years ago
Wait until smart phones become ubiquitous and you run into teenagers actually saying things like “LOL” (cringe)