Maintaining by Nate Creekmore for September 08, 2011

  1. 1013548 large
    bergamot  about 13 years ago

    As a white girl I can say that’s not true. If I ever seem to like white men more often it’s only because I’ve been exposed to (not an innuendo) more of them. Percentage-wise I’d say I like each race equally. It’s not about what race someone is, even if we were talking merely about physical appearance, because people of the same race look different. An individual is waht appeals to someone for a romantic partner, not an ethnicity. If you’re only after an ethnicity you probably either have a fetish or just feel more comfortable with people who look like yourself. The latter isn’t racism (necessarily) many many people seek out traits and in a significant other that are familiar to them, be they physical qualities or personal tastes.

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  2. Witch
    lin4869  about 13 years ago

    Our biracial son generally dated white girls because those were the girls that lived in our area. I agree with @ bergamot—It’s about the person, not the race!

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