Marmaduke by Brad Anderson for June 19, 2011
Phil: Let's go kick back in my new lawn chairs. Marm! Stop! You're being such a pest! Go get the ball! Marmaduke: Chomp! Clomp! Clomp! Clomp! Kalump! Kalump! Phil: Now I know what it was like with those old west stampedes! Dog Gone Funny: Sykesville, MD: Pat Davis told Marmaduke about her son, Tom Davis, and his husky named Jake. Sometimes when they go for a walk, Jake gets tired the only way to get him home is to go get the car! He jumps right in and home they go!
Number Three over 13 years ago
Every dog gets distracted by a ball.
Francine Long over 13 years ago
Do I ever wish I had that kind of energy! Did once, a long time ago. Anyway, it seems a long time ago.
You go Marm! You still got it!
kikilikimoo over 13 years ago
I have a husky, too… They have SUCH a lot of personality! :)