Matt Bors for October 05, 2009
It's become popular to mourn the LOSS OF CIVILITY in American society. Wolf Blitzer: I'm Wolf Blitzer, your host for the CNN CIVILITY FUNERAL. R.I.P. NICEY TALK 1776-2009 Everyone has an anecdote about the old days of good-natured disagreement. Old Man: I remember when they rounded up the Japanese for internment - PLEASANTRIES WERE EXCHANGED! Now they'd cuss at you. Until recently, the worst this country had been through was a period of passive aggressiveness in the south. Woman: Can I get some service here or what? ?? But today everyone is just plain RUDE! Before the GLENN BECK ERA, even anti-government crazies had a mannerly way about them. John Wilkes Booth: Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? Mrs. Lincoln: Oh, what a gentleman! President Lincoln: Uuuhh....