Matt Bors for October 21, 2009
If you are a no-name congressman in need of campaign funds, it's time to start YELLING LIKE AN INSANE CLOWN. Congressman: This bill was crafted by SOVIET BABY RAPERS! Your goal: make Keith Olbermann yell like an insane clown about you. Keith Olbermann: OLD YELLER: should he be taken out back and SHOT or merely whipped? RACISM NO DECORUM This will get rival clowns to rally behind you - insanely, while yelling. Radio: Our hero is being LYNCHED for yelling it like it is! Redneck Man: RRRAAAA! PSSH! No need for lobbyist cash anymore. Just don't upset your new donor base. Man: There's a clip of him speaking calmly in his inside voice! Redneck Man: JUDAS!