We celebrate Yule, which pre-dates the whole jesus thing by some thousand years. The church has some nice traditions around the same days but the whole sacrificed his only son is just weird.
Although if you’ve ever read the Bible and know even a tiny bit about the Middle East, you’d know the birth probably took place in March. The Church moved the holiday (around 400 CE) to mid-winter to absorb all of the pagan holidays then.
“Christmas” is a stolen Pagan holiday, renamed by the Catholic Church. It is originally a Pagan Celebration of the Solstice. Catholics didn’t like Pagans having a day so the church stole it right out from under them. It has NOTHING to do with any birth of anyone, plus nearly EVERY birth in ancient times was in SPRING, not WINTER.
charne about 8 years ago
Aren’t they a day early?
bunwarpgazoo Premium Member about 8 years ago
We celebrate Yule, which pre-dates the whole jesus thing by some thousand years. The church has some nice traditions around the same days but the whole sacrificed his only son is just weird.
Phred Premium Member about 8 years ago
I’m glad they are attending a church service. Its good for everyone.
david_42 about 8 years ago
Although if you’ve ever read the Bible and know even a tiny bit about the Middle East, you’d know the birth probably took place in March. The Church moved the holiday (around 400 CE) to mid-winter to absorb all of the pagan holidays then.
pschearer Premium Member about 8 years ago
A nice Jewish boy who got in a little trouble with the law.
3pibgorn9 about 8 years ago
Aye. Roman law.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Such a Greek that Jesus, call him Joshua in Hebrew.
gorbasche2 about 8 years ago
“Christmas” is a stolen Pagan holiday, renamed by the Catholic Church. It is originally a Pagan Celebration of the Solstice. Catholics didn’t like Pagans having a day so the church stole it right out from under them. It has NOTHING to do with any birth of anyone, plus nearly EVERY birth in ancient times was in SPRING, not WINTER.