Mike du Jour by Mike Lester for August 29, 2018

  1. Mouseanim
    Ratbrat  over 6 years ago

    Go for the hat trick; live for manga while living in parents’ basement while sporting a man bun.

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  2. Picture
    J.J.Sedelmaier  over 6 years ago

    “Today’s Mike du Jour is dedicated to my long time friend and collaborator J.J. Sedelmaier who once told me he could not look at another manga portfolio. I share his distaste. In fact it makes my eyes bulge and take on unrealistic highlights…” Yeah, well… it’s now been over a decade since I said that and I’ve accepted the fact that manga/anime ain’t goin’ away, in fact, it’s now a big part of our popular culture and has its own thread throughout. I STILL don’t like seeing student portfolios that feel as though there’s no thought put into the graphic design vocabulary that’s being presented, but I can NOW see that a manga/anime influence can also work. I think the style has had enough time to circulate and become reinterpreted so it’s now become an influence for good instead of evil… xoxoJJ

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  3. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 6 years ago

    I obviously don’t live for manga. I had to Google it !

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  4. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Thought it was the #neverTrump crowd that lived in Mom’s basements?

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