Mike Lester for March 16, 2018

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    lopaka  over 6 years ago

    Well, it is the kids that have been targeted lately. Now we wait for them to insist kids be armed.

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    Alardus12  over 6 years ago

    So you are saying that the American public, or in this case your future citizens, are as So, you are saying that the American public, in this case your future citizens, dumb as sh… and are so easily manipulated, that they are stirred up all over the country to pretend to fight for their rights. They are not able to think and build opinions for themselves and express them accordingly. If this is what you think your educational system is producing, you do have a much bigger problem at hand.

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    Ontman  over 6 years ago

    Leave it to Mr. Lester. Stupid is as stupid does.

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    Odon Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Does it make you miss the old days when a kid graduated high school and, if not college bound, was issued an M-16?

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    lonecat  over 6 years ago

    When I was a teenager, I was protesting against segregation. I was nobody’s stooge. I was able to see with my own eyes the injustice that was going on around me. A little later, when I was till in my teens, I started to protest against the War in Vietnam. My older sister staged a sit-in when she was in eighth grade. Sometimes young people see more clearly than a lot of adults. They can speak truth to power.

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  6. Shakes
    shakeswilly  over 6 years ago

    This is a 100% real comment from @CHEVJAMES posted above that I want to share again in case anyone missed it- I have not altered anything :- “CNN scripted the first batch and told one kid with different ideas to “STICK WITH THE SCRIPT.” Even Planned Parenthood is in on it—anything to distract the public from the abortion Holocaust.”

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  7. Wllyblly
    Wlly Blly  over 6 years ago

    It’s a rip off from an old joke. “Would you hit someone with glasses”? “No, I’d hit them with my fist”.

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    mlester101 creator over 6 years ago

    “The strength of progressive arguments are directly proportional to how many children they need to make it for them.” -ML 2008

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    Jimathai Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Shame of those kids for speaking out about school violence! They should just learn to keep their head down and keep quiet during a shooting …. AND AFTER!

    Will the real Right Wing please stand up before your brand is completely destroyed by these idiots who have hijacked your party??

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    braindead Premium Member over 6 years ago

    But I thought that the Gun Debate Rules stated that having a debate about gun rules was the same as total confiscation of all guns.

    And anyway, those stories about massacres of children were all fake news, right?

    And abortion.

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    ahab  over 6 years ago

    Children don’t ignore body counts as well as conservatives want them to.

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    nz4m60  over 6 years ago
    Lame. Get your best ideas from McCoy do ya?
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    NeoconMan  over 6 years ago

    And how many times have we seen six-year-old kids and younger holding “pro-life” signs along with their parents protesting outside Planned Parenthood? Do THEY understand what they’re protesting about? And who made their signs for them?

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    robnvon Premium Member over 6 years ago

    It has never been a fair fight because it has always been reduced to “my right to bear arms vs. kids are being killed with military grade weapons.” What is more important? Joe the Plumber having the right to pack or little Becky being able to complete Third grade without a nut shooting her, her teacher shooting her, an ill trained school safety officer shooting her, a police office thinking he is still in Felucia shooting her, or lastly Wayne Lapierre shooting her. My view is keep waving kids in the face of politicians until they are shamed out of accepting NRA money and support. The publication of such support should so stain the candidate that they are cancelled after ther primary ballots.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member over 6 years ago

    No, Mr. Lester, that’s not how it works. First you make the declaration that gun control advocates are accusing you gun enthusiasts of putting the welfare and safety of your weapons over the welfare and safety of the Nation’s children by actually using survivors of a mass shooting as an example of your selfish and hateful and overall disgusting, uncaring personal motives. You can obviously counter that by stating unequivocally that the lives of our future, our children, are inviolate, and worthy of whatever means and methods are required to make that a reality, including and without exceptions, banning all manufacture and sales of semiautomatic weapons. Making such a bold and altruistic proclamation would show the world, gun-makers, and the NRA, that gun enthusiasts have been sorely misrepresented and misunderstood, proving you actually place the lives and welfare of our future above and beyond the bizarre and unnatural fetish desires to own and covet extreme weaponry.

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    attaboyluther21  over 6 years ago
    I was talking to a local high school teacher and he told me that the kids that didn’t participate in the walk out were called Nazi’s, trumptards, racist and other inappropriate names by their peers. Also he asked them how many know the amendments and what they’re about. Sad but only a few know. So much for tolerance and acceptance. Keep making the Libs heads explode Lester. You’re right on as usual.
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    Addled Brain  over 6 years ago

    “Totally scripted, orchestrated and manipulated by the Left.”CHEV.JAMES

    Thank you, Mr. Cynical. They have said they have received $1 million for their campaign, with no strings attached. Any money with strings, they have rejected. They are organizing and conducting their campaign totally independently.

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    NeoconMan  over 6 years ago

    Here ya go, Chev.James. Own your hypocrisy. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/when-the-person-shaming-you-for-your-abortion-is-a-child_us_59b85545e4b0edff97175c96

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  19. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    Mike seems mad about not being allowed to punch or shoot children.

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