Mike Luckovich for June 22, 2009

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 15 years ago

    Or at least an apparent statistical anomaly?

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    Nanalynne  about 15 years ago

    I’d say 30 minutes ago!

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    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Sen. John Ensign was also one of the loudest mouths during the Clinton/Lewinsky affair, demanding that Clinton resign.

    Life is so much easier for the hypocrites.

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  4. Cat
    Henrie  about 15 years ago

    Hypocrits right!!! The louder they proclaim “family values and God” the worse offenders they are. Ensign wanted Clinton and Craig to resign. Newt Gingrich is on 3rd wife and asked one for divorce while she was in hospital for cancer treatment. Never mind all the “fundamental” preachers who “fell”.

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    Jamescmeyer  about 15 years ago

    Yes! If we can make everyone who stands for keeping the definition of marriage seem like a hypocrit through scandelous accusations and finger-pointing, we’ll seem right!

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    cdward  about 15 years ago

    James, they’re doing a pretty good job of it by themselves.

    BTW, why keep the definition of marriage exactly the same? It hasn’t always been one man/one woman. In fact, in some cultures, (native American, Aztec, Mayan, as well as in East Asia) same sex relationships have been accepted for millennia. Of course, Europeans were horrified by it and, in their piety, “attempted to crush it out by subjecting the berdaches (as the Spanish called them) under their rule to severe penalties, including public execution, burning and being torn to pieces by dogs.”

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    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    Furthermore, approximately 80% of human cultures identified by anthropologists allow polygamy; about two-thirds of those actually practice it regularly, which would make it roughly half the cultures on Earth. (A much smaller percentage permit polyandry.) I’m a one-woman man, myself, but if anything is true of human beings, it is that they have an amazing range of behavior.

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