Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for October 04, 2012

  1. Chris88
    chireef  about 12 years ago

    so i guess that you think progress would be to go back to the mores and attitudes of the 1950’s, Doc?

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  2. Kittay
    naturally_easy  about 12 years ago

    If this is “the new normal” then liking members of the oposite sex is queer.

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  3. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member about 12 years ago


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  4. Missing large
    djsabc  about 12 years ago

    Why can’t we live in world that doesn’t judge and just let’s other people be? My wife and I try to instill that in our son everyday.

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  5. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  about 12 years ago

    What’s wrong with a mother and her mother starting a small business? After all, the 1% has to be able to start someplace.

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