Don’t you believe it. People like me, who’ve been out of work for almost three years and who burned through their unemployment comp a long time ago, don’t even figure into the calculations for unemployment figures. Add us in, the number’s probably double what the government wants you to believe. Take note that even though they claim unemployment is down, the number of those actually in the workforce never changes as a percentage of the population; and the workforce-aged population isn’t increasing by that much every month.
K M about 9 years ago
Don’t you believe it. People like me, who’ve been out of work for almost three years and who burned through their unemployment comp a long time ago, don’t even figure into the calculations for unemployment figures. Add us in, the number’s probably double what the government wants you to believe. Take note that even though they claim unemployment is down, the number of those actually in the workforce never changes as a percentage of the population; and the workforce-aged population isn’t increasing by that much every month.