Monty by Jim Meddick for February 28, 2015
Monty finally find peace... Happiness among furry friends and forest... But wait!... Monty sense something wrong! Earth trembling... Forest friends runaway!... What the...? C'mere you mutated security threat!... Time for some enhanced interrogation techniques!
sukiec almost 10 years ago
Why do i assume that Halliburten will make a profit from this approach?
Monster Hesh almost 10 years ago
Tear his head off, Monty! Do it for America!
cupertino jay almost 10 years ago
at first blush i thought the spaceman was supposed to be Biden,, wrong again dummy.
Run, Hulk-ster, RUN!
donwalter almost 10 years ago
I’m surprised that he hasn’t already accidentally SHOT Monty by now…
clayusmcret Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Rats, I’m going to hate deleting Monty.
medalguy Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Sorry Monty, you’re history. Gone.
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Oh, no! MontyHulk doomed? In clutches of Big Bad Bot!
P51Strega almost 10 years ago
Roid-rage meets the Hulk, meets Avatar… I love it
arcgap almost 10 years ago
well no wonder guantanamo bay is still open… It seems Cheney is still running things….
ajnotales almost 10 years ago
Kudos to you, Mr. Meddick… What a brilliant, warped story arc. I hope it goes on for weeks. Might we ask, btw, for the name of your “pharmacy” in CO or WA?
socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Meddick, you did it again! Beautiful.
socalvillaguy Premium Member almost 10 years ago
That’s the technical term. The vernacular is quite a bit more crude. :-)
Already Fuzzy almost 10 years ago
Don’t you have something else you need to defund anyway?
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Don’t waterboard him!
Tinman Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Should’a used an Obama Drone. More up to date.
nitromicro almost 10 years ago
I guess I’m not radicalized like some of the readers here. Make fun of ’em all is what I say!
ROBERT DAWSON almost 10 years ago
I’m with scubaeqhp. I thought you had a pretty good strip until you started in with the far left stuff. Too bad.
topbunk almost 10 years ago
Ha,Ha! To those with no sense of humor… Pfffiiittt!
Sheila Hardie almost 10 years ago
Sil, I think you might be confused. “The left” doesn’t love Che Guevara. A few people on the left might, but “the left” doesn’t.
braindead Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“Someone please explain to me how the left loves Che Guevara who was a brutal murderer who killed uncounted numbers of villagers and hates a political figure so much?”-You should ask Bill O’Reilly exactly how many villagers were killed. He was there for all of them right?
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Does anyone think Cheney would ever put his own skin at risk, when he can order the sons of the poor to risk theirs, instead?
tattooedcyberidiot almost 10 years ago
Left bad, Right good, Hulk angry
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 10 years ago
It’s odd that certain people see a political slant to this strip. Meddick is just using a caricature of Dick Cheney for comedic purposes. It appears that some right wingers are getting a little too sensitive.
Durak Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Mr. Meddick, did you survey this story arc? Dude, you must not ever read the comments on goComics. There’s a reason McEldowney has comments shut off on 9 Chickweed Lane and Pibgorn. Simply way too many stupid people with no idea how to moderate their opinions. Hrm, considering editing and removing the word ‘stupid’. It will still work without the adjective. However, stupid is pretty mild, compared to some of the stronger, more appropriate ones I could have chosen. Fine, stupid stands. If it offends you simply call me a name, you’ll feel much better. Jim, I’ve loved your comic for years. Keep it up! A little Dick (Cheney) now and then never hurt anyone.
Bryan Henderson almost 10 years ago
So Dick Cheney is some kind of beloved god of conservatism? A person can’t make fun of him without being a liberal filled with hate for conservatives? And even people with enough of a sense of humor to be regular comic strip readers can’t stand to read one that makes fun of him?
Those of us with a real sense of humor don’t see any political statement at all in this strip – just a convenient character from real life to be the subject of a joke.
braindead Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“So Dick Cheney is some kind of beloved god of conservatism? A person can’t make fun of him without being a liberal filled with hate for conservatives? And even people with enough of a sense of humor to be regular comic strip readers can’t stand to read one that makes fun of him?”-Well, for the so-called “conservatives”, making fun of The Dick is torture for them.
sandman54 almost 10 years ago
The story line is lame and getting to be boring lets move on !!!!!!
Hunter7 almost 10 years ago
I don’t care who that guy is in the suit. I don’t recognize him. Funny thing is - I probably wouldn’t recognize most cut & paste floating heads. Well, maybe Harper or Trudeau or 2 of our other PM’s – MacDonald and Laurier. so if some people want to delete Monty from their list – fine. Their loss.. And a lot less comments for me to read (or ignore).Now, poor Monty. If he were to suddenly return to normal, out of fear – he just might escape that robot’s grasp.
pam Miner almost 10 years ago
Oh No! Cheney! He doesn’t think being waterboarded is torture.Of all the people into who’s hand you to NOT fall into.
pam Miner almost 10 years ago
What do you mean ,, the left love mass killers? Like Cheney? It’s not being nice to Cheney, it’s making fun of him.
Monster Hesh almost 10 years ago
Y’gotta love all the butthurt tea-yokels pretending to have been reading Monty for ages, as though this were his first bit of political satire.
It’s almost as convincing as one of those letters to the editor that starts off with “I’ve been a lifelong liberal Democrat, but” then flies into a foamy-mouthed tantrum about how (name of liberal politician) should be tarred, feathered and executed.