“Finders keepers, Losers weepers” is not law. In fact state laws generally state that if you find money you need to make “reasonable and just efforts to find the owner.” Otherwise, you’re “guilty of theft.”
Years ago I cashed my paycheck at a bank ….. counted my money as I was walking out and had $100 more then I should have …… got back in line with the same snooty teller, got to the teller and started to say that there was a mistake …… before I could say any more, she told me in no uncertain term that “SHE” Doesn’t make mistakes and since I had stepped away from the window …… it was my tough luck ….. leave …………. which I did …… :)
GROG Premium Member 6 months ago
While you were sitting on it.
ʲᔆ 6 months ago
did he have a top hat, mustache and monocle?
Doug K 6 months ago
“Finders keepers, Losers weepers” is not law. In fact state laws generally state that if you find money you need to make “reasonable and just efforts to find the owner.” Otherwise, you’re “guilty of theft.”
bwswolf 6 months ago
Years ago I cashed my paycheck at a bank ….. counted my money as I was walking out and had $100 more then I should have …… got back in line with the same snooty teller, got to the teller and started to say that there was a mistake …… before I could say any more, she told me in no uncertain term that “SHE” Doesn’t make mistakes and since I had stepped away from the window …… it was my tough luck ….. leave …………. which I did …… :)
wirepunchr 6 months ago
You’re barking up the wrong tree.
Strawberry King 6 months ago
“Return me. Return me! RETURN ME!!!”
The money will say in his spooky voice.
MReese 6 months ago
What a nasty little dog.
Cameron1988 Premium Member 6 months ago
I found a $100 bill once years ago in the supermarket. I turned it in. That’s way too much money to find, and keep
Cameron1988 Premium Member 6 months ago
Probably one of the most honest people out there