Yesterday turned out to be a fairly quiet day once I got home from church and breakfast with friends. I got a few more squares done (70 done, 10 to go) and watched some TV. Well, it was the Lord’s Day after all and supposed to be a day of rest, right?
Today I’m meeting with the painters’ foreman and the HOA president to “walk” my own building for needed touch up. I already know of a few spots on my patio railings. This is now a regular Monday thing. Walk the buildings that got done last week. It gets me outside and moving which is a good thing.
It will be a quiet week this week – nothing scheduled except the housekeeper on Thursday. Friday is my granddaughter Kandice’s birthday, so I’ll get a card in the mail tomorrow on my way home from prayer group.
Today’s forecast is the same as yesterday’s. 58 degrees and 17 less than the average. I’m hoping that this trend will continue during the summer. It would be nice to have most temps in the 80’s and 90’s instead of 100’s.
Good morning, Vagabonds.
Yesterday turned out to be a fairly quiet day once I got home from church and breakfast with friends. I got a few more squares done (70 done, 10 to go) and watched some TV. Well, it was the Lord’s Day after all and supposed to be a day of rest, right?
Today I’m meeting with the painters’ foreman and the HOA president to “walk” my own building for needed touch up. I already know of a few spots on my patio railings. This is now a regular Monday thing. Walk the buildings that got done last week. It gets me outside and moving which is a good thing.
It will be a quiet week this week – nothing scheduled except the housekeeper on Thursday. Friday is my granddaughter Kandice’s birthday, so I’ll get a card in the mail tomorrow on my way home from prayer group.
Today’s forecast is the same as yesterday’s. 58 degrees and 17 less than the average. I’m hoping that this trend will continue during the summer. It would be nice to have most temps in the 80’s and 90’s instead of 100’s.
Everyone have a blessed day.