Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for January 27, 2024

  1. Large 046
    Dkram  8 months ago

    Hay Vagabonds, hi and hello.

    There’s a fog hanging on the hills this morning, a temperature of 33 was on the old T-mometer this morning. the forecast is generally cloudy arias of dense fog, high 36. The best thing I can think of is , that winter will be half over come Friday. (^.^)

    Hay, how is Jack doing? Hope he won’t be away to long.

    Today is going to be a tip toe day. When you go outside tread carefully, drive carefully and dress warmly.

    We have a Grange meeting this afternoon, outside of that not much else.

    May your day be bright and cherry and full of God’s love.


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  2. Silverknights
    JanLC  8 months ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    I went to bible study this morning where we finished up the book of John. We had a lot of good discussion and insight today and I really enjoyed it.

    We had a good time yesterday. Michael ended up buying a jacket just like mine. We looked like we were in uniform. And the restaurant was just as good as I remembered. The last time we were there was just after the pandemic restrictions were eased, so it’s been a while. And the food is just as good as I remembered.

    The restaurant had the Golden Knights game from New York (they played the Rangers) on. We watched some of it and were quite impressed at how much different the NHL games are from the AHL ones. The skill level is so different which makes for a much different style of play. Then we came home and watched the Silver Knights play their game. Vegas won their game, Henderson did not.

    We talked about how the AHL games are a lot like AAA baseball or College Football & Basketball. The players haven’t achieved the skill levels of the big leagues in any of those sports and thus the games can be a whole lot more fun. There’s almost always more action because they have to make up for their mistakes a lot more and that makes it exciting.

    This evening is a potluck at church that is also a good-bye dinner for the associate pastor who is moving to Costa Rica. He feels that he’s been called by God to start up a new church there. I don’t like to drive alone at night, so unless I can talk Michael into coming with me, I won’t be able to go. But there’s also another hockey game tonight so the prospect is iffy.

    We’re headed up to 65 today with clear skies & sunshine. It’s already 57 so the prospects look good.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  3. Large 046
    Dkram  8 months ago

    Good morning Vagabonds

    The temperature seems to be suck at near freezing come every morning. This morning was 31 degrees and weather wise it is fairly calm. They say the day (hum, am I writing a song?) They say the day will be cloudy with some afternoon snow, high 35.

    I can’t say that I know what to expect when I go to church I do know it will be Gospel based, but, we may be staying home today, we both still have colds. Mine is on the down swing with still some blowing and hacking but, maybe I’ll over it by next week. .

    All y’all Vagabonds have a great Sabbath day and may God bless.


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  4. Silverknights
    JanLC  8 months ago

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    We did not go to the pot-luck last night. We stayed home and watched the Silver Knights lose in a shoot-out. I had a chance to say good-bye to Pastor Dave & his family this morning. They are leaving for Costa Rica on Saturday!

    We had communion Sunday again today – the last Sunday of every month. It’s always such a blessing. The teaching was on Acts 20: 7-16 with an emphasis on 7-12, the story of Eutychus, the young man who went to sleep and fell out of a third floor window during Paul’s teaching. Pastor Tim focused on how we can all get spiritually drowsy and start to back away from fellowship & teaching. Citing Eutychus, he put up on the overhead screen a warning sign that he had found: “According to the Supreme Surgeon General, sleeping in church can be hazardous to your health.”

    Not much else on the agenda for today. I ordered a few groceries to be delivered from Walmart. (Michael likes their sodas and since he’s boycotting Coca-Cola he’s happy with them.) If I can ever pry him away from the political shows he’s watching on You Tube, I may even watch some TV this afternoon.

    It’s another pretty day here: blue skies, a few wispy clouds and con trails and a high of 69. It’s 67 already and I’m loving it.

    Everyone have a blessed Sunday.

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