Forgive me if this is old news, but Bill Griffith, of Zippy the Pinhead, is completing a graphic biography of Nancy creator Ernie Bushmiller.
Ernie develops the idea of the no-cage Animal Safari style zoo. Fortunately those who acted on his idea did not allow visitors to roam the grounds or touch the animals. Or, they learned from sorry experience that those would be good rules to have.
h.v.greenman over 4 years ago
I find this one rather amusing
jagedlo over 4 years ago
Not exactly “The Mouse that Roared”, but close enough!
Sir Marcie over 4 years ago
Bushmiller at his best here.
(Autocorrect turns “Bushmiller” into “bus killer”. Glad I caught that!)
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
“It’s a gi-raffe, a gi-raffe!” – A Hare Grows In Manhattan
PDawg Premium Member over 4 years ago
Forgive me if this is old news, but Bill Griffith, of Zippy the Pinhead, is completing a graphic biography of Nancy creator Ernie Bushmiller.
Another Take over 4 years ago
Ernie develops the idea of the no-cage Animal Safari style zoo. Fortunately those who acted on his idea did not allow visitors to roam the grounds or touch the animals. Or, they learned from sorry experience that those would be good rules to have.
Kip W over 4 years ago
A narrow squeak.
gcarlson over 4 years ago
MythBusters once did determine that elephants are, indeed, afraid of mice. I don’t believe they tested giraffes.
brklnbern over 4 years ago
Giraffes can climb?????