Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 26, 2012
Sluggo: MAC MCNALLY-- One of my favorite musicians-- Is doing a concert here. Nancy: "Map mapanappi"? Sluggo: MAC MCANALLY. Nancy: That's what I said--"MAP MAPANAPPI". Sluggo: NO-- You said--"MAPA NAPPI"-- It's "MC-ANALLY". Nancy: Yeah-- "MACA-RONI"-- He's doing a concert here. Sluggo: "MCAN-ALLY"-- "MCAN-ALLY"-- "MCAN-ALLY". Nancy: You're saying "MACA-RONI" wrong.
TooOldToBeCool almost 13 years ago
“Minimum Love” – one of my favorite tunes.
Hussell almost 13 years ago
Guesswho’s opening for them!
Buzza Wuzza almost 13 years ago
If you say so.
YatInExile almost 13 years ago
I just had a conversation like this with the neighborhood Chinese fast food establishment.
iced tea almost 13 years ago
Nancy enjoys teasing Sluggo a lot of times.
Phosphoros almost 13 years ago
Who’s on first? Or is this Archie Bunker and Edith?
rgcviper almost 13 years ago
Huh? What?