Yeah. I was dirt poor in college with no parental support, so poor I couldn’t afford to keep going. Spent 17 years trying to work off the loans I accumulated the first 2 years so I could finish school. To say that life hasn’t worked out as planned would be an understatement. Now it’s, “Forget the plan. To hedonism and reckless endangerment for however long it lasts!”
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Yeah. I was dirt poor in college with no parental support, so poor I couldn’t afford to keep going. Spent 17 years trying to work off the loans I accumulated the first 2 years so I could finish school. To say that life hasn’t worked out as planned would be an understatement. Now it’s, “Forget the plan. To hedonism and reckless endangerment for however long it lasts!”
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Agreed Albert.