Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 10, 2000
Danae: Sigh. The end of summer..with it, the departure of joy, replaced by the drudgery of school.... Kate: Oh, C'mon, Danae... You've spent the past 3 months whining about having nothing to do! Do you want to spend the rest of your life as a lump just taking up space? Leaning nothing? Producing nothing? Danae: Sheesh. You make it sound so negitive... Kate: And just how, pray tell, does one take it as a positive trait? Danae: Well, somebody has to aspire to the second highest office in the land. Kate: Lump away, Madam Vice President... Danae: 24-7, Katie, 24-7...
enjoy her laziness now—the future "nothing to do’ boredom will be …interesting