Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 07, 2010

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    Edcole1961  over 14 years ago

    He’s acting like a real aerosol.

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 14 years ago

    Can’t be good for that big-screen TV. Why even bother to watch that dreck?

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  3. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 14 years ago

    He is on the last of a twelve step program, he started using a gun to shoot the previous set…

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    May I recommend a different sort of reform? It’s called pulling the plug.

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  5. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  over 14 years ago

    Good idea CDW, we wanted change and all we got was small change.

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  6. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    Yesterday I reread the comments too late to reply to RICHARDSRUSSEL’s sage advice, “Buy and Hold.” I hear how people lost their life savings in the last correction. How? The stocks came back up. Oh, you sold when they were low. Scared they’d go lower. Yup, they might have. Then there is only one direction from down. So sorry you people didn’t hold, or buy more when the prices were down. I.m so glad other people believed in America and bought a piece of it. Sorry for the unbelievers. I suggest a history book or two. Or keep watching TV.

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  7. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 14 years ago

    Maybe LiesSol?

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    peter0423  over 14 years ago

    Digital Frog – the winner!

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    Trebor39  over 14 years ago

    You can’t aerosol that trash out of existence.

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    Depauwler  over 14 years ago

    I don’t often watch TV, but when I tried last night, all I ever saw were Republican ads (I am in a red state though). I wanted to throw my TV out the window. All one was was a bunch of words coming at you real fast with no proof or context. Of course I’d be scared, they’re coming right for me!

    Have to admit though, Republicans are great at messaging. All they have to say is “Terror Anchor Baby” and “Socialism” and “Death Panel” and any of the other short phrases while poor Democrats actually have to try and use logical arguments and explain, which then only makes people think they’re elitist and talking down to Middle America.

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    upm0306  over 14 years ago

    Sheesh!! Lighten up, folks. This is an inventive comment similar to the sticker on the septic service truck that said, “Caution! May be filled with politicians’ promises!”

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    freeholder1  over 14 years ago

    Ah. Lew. Your knowledge of the stock market is profound. Also iffy.

    Several of the individual stocks crashed and are lost. the current market is powered by the Funds. They went up and down and so drew many on.

    Point two: many LOST THEIR JOBS thanks to bushwhackenomics, had to sell at low to survive until things came back. Real understanding from a retired government employee o a gov pension. Must have been lots of fun at your mailing window. ;-)

    Some even had their retirement doused because the fund actually went under (as mine did) BEFORE they got the money out.

    You like to repeat the idiocy that it’s their own fault which is true if they voted Republiocan, but they didn’t borrow the country into death debt to support their untenable war, they didn’t let big businesses run wild without any controls and didn’t fail to investigate when they went way beyond anything resembling common sense. They were merely stupid enough to hold down jobs, save and fight for their future and have the rug pulled out by bad economics. I’m glad you were lucky and lucky is all you were. Some of them weren’t.

    As for the market, anyone invested in common stock gets share split and dividend withheld to death these days. They have rigged it so you don’t get rich in it any more unless you come in rich. And crashed the housing market that got so many wealthy before. Seems like the moneyed are slowly moving to destroy any means that the young have to get moneyed. Oh, I’m sorry, you and the neo-con worship the rich.

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  13. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 14 years ago

    flagged ZHEN62! back to the subject, air freshener only COVERS UP the stuff. sorta like our new state (CA) budget, sob….

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Feel the same way as the ‘toon about “reality TV”, and some of the spin-off “dramas”. Finding shows where you care about the “characters” because they’re likable and care about people, instead of being narcissistic sharks, is getting harder, just like in politics.

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    alan.gurka  over 14 years ago

    Does he have “Smell-O-Vision?”

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    rockngolfer  over 14 years ago

    LiesSol was a good one

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    Varnes  over 14 years ago

    Folks, you can’t discuss things with conservatives, they lie to themselves, change their story every couple of years to serve their own purposes, (it’s like they don’t know their being recorded), and denigrate others rather than talk about issues. They can’t win on the issues. Nobody else hates the poor that much (Christ didn’t, but they do) nobody else thinks pollution is harmless, nobody else is so selfish and dogmatic, and nobody else goes ballistic so fast. They get hurt easily…kinda short on facts to. Nowadays they even hate the people who were once considered conservatives. They are eating themselves. They’re cons who don’t serve anyone but themselves…

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    Varnes  over 14 years ago

    Oh. yeah, and when elections don’t go their way, they literally freak out of their minds, say extremely crazy things and take to the woods and claim the government of the U.S. is run by Nazis, communists and socialists and is coming to get us. They also spout other paranoid conspiracy theories…

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    sleepeeg3  over 14 years ago

    I don’t get it.

    That woman really reminds me of Larson’s style… Wiley puts out some masterpieces of wit, but I wish Gary was still contributing, too.

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    wittyvegan  about 13 years ago

    @PsychoDad: So you are judging a whole political movement by the single voice of a person who never actually got involved in any leftist causes?

    Then I guess it is fair to attribute anything stupid said by any American that I believe to sound a little right-wing to the whole conservative and right-wing movement independent of anything else said and independent of the majority on the right agreeing with him/her.

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