Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 30, 2015
Ned: Hey...who opened all my bottles of wine? Danae: Hmm...probably Reginald. Ned: Uh...who's Reginald? Danae: The ghost haunting our house. Ned: *heh*heh*...A ghost...Ok, I'm sure there's a more logical explanation, Ghost: Maybe it was mice. Ned: mi... Danae: Can you come back down, Reginald? Daddy still has doubts about your existence. Ghost: Exactly my sentiment about his taste in wine.
Superfrog almost 9 years ago
Reg, perhaps the good stuff’s in the cellar.
Varnes almost 9 years ago
What is that thing in the third panel? What is his thought balloon mean?
Toonerific almost 9 years ago
I guess it’s a lot less work to colour the speech balloons instead of the images … it’s the thought that counts right? :-)
Old Texan75 almost 9 years ago
It’s Art. No other explanation is needed.
Old Texan75 almost 9 years ago
Haven’t you heard of colorful speech?
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 9 years ago
I’ll be glad when this storyline ends on Saturday. One thing this comic doesn’t need is a spirit glorifying spirits!
Varnes almost 9 years ago
Thanks for the clarification, guys…Maybe they didn’t color the comics back ’05
Linguist almost 9 years ago
Reginald just doesn’t appreciate a good Two Buck Chuck when he tastes it !
Dr_Zinj almost 9 years ago
At least Reggie isn’t drinking that horrible peach wine I swilled too much of when I was stationed in Korea.
GROG Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Daylight come and I wanna go home.
dabugger almost 9 years ago
A mystery, taste and yet going to nothing. Nice trick but empty. Poor Danae, she seems to like Reg; but Dad is mystified.
FlatheadFord almost 9 years ago
What year is this wine? Tuesday. AM or PM?
jahoody almost 9 years ago
Reginald reminds me of the classic Charles Laughton film " The Canterfield Ghost"…….
junemmoffatt almost 9 years ago
It seems logical that a spirit would be interested in spirits…
gocomics almost 9 years ago
Reg seems like he’d be handy to have around once Kate and Danae start drinking….
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 9 years ago
This is a repeat, right?
HowieL almost 9 years ago
There’s a micro distillery in Nashua. NH called Djinn Spirits. A wonderful multiple pun, and the gin is pretty wonderful as well.