Obi-wan: You can try, but I don't think my charger is dark side compatible...
You need an adapter, but they cost an arm and a leg.
It’ll work if you force it…
Star Wars episode 4 pre Darth Vader/Obi Wan Kenobi light saber battle outtake.
@ Hugh B. HayveThat was hilarious!
Harrison Ford is 73 today!
Happy Birthday, Indiana Jones. When’s the next flick?
September 06, 2014
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 9 years ago
You need an adapter, but they cost an arm and a leg.
PICTO over 9 years ago
It’ll work if you force it…
Darryl Heine over 9 years ago
Star Wars episode 4 pre Darth Vader/Obi Wan Kenobi light saber battle outtake.
SallyLin over 9 years ago
@ Hugh B. HayveThat was hilarious!
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Harrison Ford is 73 today!
Happy Birthday Han…spaced man spliff over 9 years ago
Happy Birthday, Indiana Jones. When’s the next flick?