In my growing up years, we hung real stockings- and I mean nylons! Do you have any idea how much they stretch and how much you can load them up? We would actually pin them to the top of the sofa (we didn’t have a fireplace anyway) and in the morning, they were stretched all the way down across the seat and often touched the floor. Took all of 20 minutes just to empty them.
blunebottle almost 8 years ago
Best laugh so far today! Would love being the toasty warm ones.
Toonerific almost 8 years ago
On the upside, you probably don’t have now melted chocolate inside of you.
blunebottle almost 8 years ago
In my growing up years, we hung real stockings- and I mean nylons! Do you have any idea how much they stretch and how much you can load them up? We would actually pin them to the top of the sofa (we didn’t have a fireplace anyway) and in the morning, they were stretched all the way down across the seat and often touched the floor. Took all of 20 minutes just to empty them.
wiatr almost 8 years ago
’twould have been funnier last year.
Jeff0811 almost 8 years ago
Oh, put a sock in it.
Rwill almost 8 years ago
Those 1% rayon socks.
Spade Jr. almost 8 years ago
What a POOR stretch for a laugh. At least the strip is truly living up to its name, Mark.