I’ve knit one sweater in my Life… the pattern was called “The Easiest Sweater In the World” b/c it had one stitch type only… it literally took me almost 20 yrs to finish it (granted, I didn’t work on it with much focus)… now I have been “knitting” a simple scarf for at least the last 7 or 8 yrs ! haha But I DO appreciate handknitted things… probably even more so now that I have attempted it myself !
Phred Premium Member about 8 years ago
That was quick.
Pet about 8 years ago
These days it costs less to just buy the sweater. The wool alone costs two to three times as much!
rshive about 8 years ago
The 5, 324th stitch is really the tough one.
Yakety Sax about 8 years ago
Tis the thought that counts!
nmchris1 about 8 years ago
I know how she feels. The sweater I’m doing for my daughter this year is cursed. I’ve taken out and redone a lot of it, but I WILL win.
Michie Z Premium Member about 8 years ago
I’ve knit one sweater in my Life… the pattern was called “The Easiest Sweater In the World” b/c it had one stitch type only… it literally took me almost 20 yrs to finish it (granted, I didn’t work on it with much focus)… now I have been “knitting” a simple scarf for at least the last 7 or 8 yrs ! haha But I DO appreciate handknitted things… probably even more so now that I have attempted it myself !
whenlifewassimpler about 8 years ago
Claire you can buy one now and work on this during the year so it’s ready for next Christmas…..
Skylark about 8 years ago
I don’t blame her. Try starting with a scarf first!