The Strip is at the point of being called “Mice On Board” We haven’t heard from the crew much. How are they doing with the ladies, do they ever get into town, How is the Captains love life? We get a couple of Louie strips, then its back to the mice. I mean they are cute and everything, but………..
I like the mice, esp. Ellie. Go through the archives, Henry had a love life, with a Mermaid and with Cecilia,and Ellie was “head over heels” in love with Henry, the boys got into town quite a bit, and even Louie had a girlfriend at one time. Well, he fell in love with a Calendar Dog, which if memory serves was a Black Lab. He got lost trying to find her, as a matter of fact. How am I doing, Chip, memory wise?
Linda Solomon over 9 years ago
I got nothing, cant think of anything to search for images of, so heres just a heartily meant, Good morning Crew!
GROG Premium Member over 9 years ago
Tim the “tool man” Taylor must have had something to do with it. Nothing ever works right if he was working on it.
Good morning, Crew!
instigator20 over 9 years ago
Good Morning Crew,Haywire?…….We’ll be right back after a word from Binford Tools. Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
capkidd over 9 years ago
Shoulda called Angie or Home AdviserAGAIN, invite Scratch over….we double dog dare you, Chip.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
The Strip is at the point of being called “Mice On Board” We haven’t heard from the crew much. How are they doing with the ladies, do they ever get into town, How is the Captains love life? We get a couple of Louie strips, then its back to the mice. I mean they are cute and everything, but………..
Skylark over 9 years ago
Little devils!!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 9 years ago
I like the mice, esp. Ellie. Go through the archives, Henry had a love life, with a Mermaid and with Cecilia,and Ellie was “head over heels” in love with Henry, the boys got into town quite a bit, and even Louie had a girlfriend at one time. Well, he fell in love with a Calendar Dog, which if memory serves was a Black Lab. He got lost trying to find her, as a matter of fact. How am I doing, Chip, memory wise?
Good afternoon Crew!
capkidd over 9 years ago
A tid bit: Queen Anne’s Revenge was the name of the flagship of Blackbeard…, we know the rest of the story, Nate’s gggggg grandpa.
djsabo over 9 years ago
This will be a bonus for NATE. TWO hands for the food…one foot for the door.
rgcviper over 9 years ago
Oop-sie …
Or did they plan that all along?
Good Evening, Crew.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 9 years ago
Looks like something I would do…Good Night Crew!