Overboard by Chip Dunham for November 23, 2015
So no hard feelings, Ellie? Absolutely none, Henry.. I just hope that one of these holiday meals, you guys widen your taste horizons, that's all! Hey, how'd your crow-brains-in-dumpster-juice recipe go with the Thanksgiving committee? Didn't even make the first cut.
GROG Premium Member about 9 years ago
The first cut is the deepest.
Good morning, Crew!
AussiePaul about 9 years ago
I can see the anti mice crowd having fun with this one!!!….
Orders popcorn!!!
instigator20 about 9 years ago
Good Morning Crew,I guess this means we wont have pan fried insulation with wire bits and sprinkled with fresh maggot whites ! We’ll just stick to some wine and cheese………OK ?have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
Carl R about 9 years ago
Odd. I figured the guy that always posts the annoying recipes would have posted one by now for crow brains in dumpster juice.
dsmeltze about 9 years ago
Isn’t the captain’s name Henry CROW?
rgcviper about 9 years ago
“Mmm—crow brains in dumpster juice …”
[Drool …]
Good Evening, Crew.