Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for October 18, 2011
verne: This site says smelling cantaloupe all the time means I might have a brain tumor. Rj: What web site? verne: doyousmellcantaloupe.com RJ: what does if yousmellcantaloupe.com say? verne: I'm already dead. RJ: I'd go with brain tumor, then. aren't you glad you got a second opinion?
APersonOfInterest about 13 years ago
Mouse Airlines … dispatching rodents, one field mouse at a time.
Koolfunkygrrl about 13 years ago
SO cute RJ and Hammy playing with the wittle mouse…..wonder if he’s going to become a regular on OTH??
Savvo about 13 years ago
I see they’ve been to the same seminar as “Frank & Ernest”
mydogarf about 13 years ago
I wonder if the next strip will have the mouse trying to get through paper airplane security. He looks suspicious to me. Those beady little eyes…
bryan42 about 13 years ago
Koolfunk, I never realized until now just how much you resemble Ally Opp.
chamberlain22 about 13 years ago
The mouse looks like Glen, who used to be a regular on this strip. It’d be neat if they brought him back.