I’ve often speculated on how Cerberus’s nervous system is divided up. Currently, my dominant theory is that the two side heads control the limbs on their respective sides, while the middle head gets the tail, the bend of the abdomen, and the uh… “waste management systems”.
Averagemoe 10 months ago
I’ve often speculated on how Cerberus’s nervous system is divided up. Currently, my dominant theory is that the two side heads control the limbs on their respective sides, while the middle head gets the tail, the bend of the abdomen, and the uh… “waste management systems”.
Concretionist 10 months ago
Cool is in the mind’s eye of the beholder!
Opus the Poet 10 months ago
Well, he is unconquered by fear of Jeremy.
Wendy Emlinger Premium Member 10 months ago
Biologically speaking, his adopted son is still a fox, so short of magic, he’ll remain a fox.