Pat Oliphant for March 23, 2009

  1. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    2nd the motion to hang the s.o.b.s. Don’t forget the piñata stick.

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  2. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 15 years ago

    Yay! Oliphant’s back! And there are a lot of Americans demonstrating their 2nd Amendment rights in all sorts of interesting ways…

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  3. Triscele
    txmystic  over 15 years ago

    I don’t think there are enough people bum-rushing those executives.

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  4. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 15 years ago

    A black guy trying to stop a lynch mob from attacking a bunch of rich white guys? Wow! America has come a long way!

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  5. Shrek front
    attyush  over 15 years ago

    I really appreciate Obama standing up against this stupid tax code. Barney Frank and his pitchfork mob needs to be controlled. And who better than Obama?

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  6. 2008 12 22 1
    greeneyedtxn  over 15 years ago

    It is Congress that needs to be lynched if anyone is. They created the situation and laws that caused this mess. And they get their pay raises and pork so they never have to go without.

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  7. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    Greeneye … we put them there. What were the issues people wanted to hear a few months ago ? Change, Not Americans like us, Hope, That one, restore of trust, you betcha’ ect. is how people voted. So why want to hang congress now?

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  8. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 15 years ago

    Yes, this is a hot button issue but because 9 out of the 10 execs gave the money back, maybe we can start looking at how billions of dollars are being used to get the economy moving forward. Took a long time for a new toon from Olie.

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